
kernel32.dll provides access to a significant part of the Windows API. On Windows 10 (and other versions), the 32 bit library is located in C:\Windows\System32, while the 64 bit one in C:\Windows\SysWOW64.


Static linking

When a procedure is statically linked, the linker copies data from the library, embedding it into the executable. There are some advantages to this, one being portability, since the program can run even on systems that don’t have the required library installed. Also, because the linking process no longer takes place at runtime, the program might have a slightly faster startup.
On the other hand, memory consumption quickly becomes a problem. If kernel32.dll were to be statically linked, every running program would end up allocating space for it.

Load-time dynamic linking

This is the most common way to link a library. The executable contains a section named .idata, which has the necessary linking information. Imported libraries are mapped into into the virtual address space of the process. This doesn’t mean that a physical copy is made for every library. Instead, their virtual memory pages are mapped to the same physical memory pages already used by other processes. Think how common it is for a DLL such as kernel32.dll to be dynamically linked. Most of the time its memory is read-only, so a single physical copy is enough for all the running processes. If for some reason one tries to overwrite it, a copy of the modified memory page is instantly made for that particular process, keeping the read-only one intact. Thus, due to copy-on-write, a process cannot impact a sheared DLL, while the system can make efficient use of space.
The linker looks into these libraries and locates the procedures that need to be imported, writing their virtual memory addresses to the Import Address Table. This process is called binding.


Bellow is all the code it takes to display a standard message, using a procedure imported from user32.dll.

#include <Windows.h>

int main()
MessageBox(NULL, "HIDDEN", NULL, MB_OK);
return 0;

Minimal build

I used Visual Studio Community Edition 2015. In order to prevent the compiler from adding extra imports I do the following:

  • Set Target to Release x86.
  • In Project->Properties->Linker->Advanced->Entry Point I set main as the entry point.
  • I disable Safe SEH, Debugging, and DEP. This removes some extra checks and security measures, creating an executable that closely resembles the source code.

Examining the import information

When I open the generated executable with IDA, it shows me the following imports:

00402000  ExitProcess  KERNEL32
00402008 MessageBoxA USER32

The first column is the virtual memory address, the second is the imported procedure’s name and the third is the name of the library. Just because it appears to be imported doesn’t mean that a procedure is necessarily called, but there’s a pretty good chance. From a reverse engineer’s point of view it is fairly easy to see that this program probably makes use of MessageBox and ExitProcess, because this information is openly available inside the executable.

Run-time dynamic linking

It is possible to do the linker’s job at runtime. You can map a DLL module into the virtual address space of a process using LoadLibrary. After obtaining a HANDLE to the module, you can pass it to GetProcAddress, along with the name of the procedure that you want to locate. On success, this will return a virtual address, which you can be treated pretty much like a function pointer.


#include <Windows.h>

typedef int(*msg_box) (void *, char *, char *, unsigned int);

int main()
HMODULE user32_dll = LoadLibrary("user32.dll");
if (!user32_dll) {
msg_box MsgBox = (msg_box)GetProcAddress(user32_dll, "MessageBoxA");
if (!MsgBox) {
return 0;

Notice that there is no direct call to a procedure named MessageBox. All we have is a pointer to it, named MsgBox. In case you are wandering what’s up with the A in MessageBoxA, there are in fact two different procedures in user32.dll, designed to work with different string parameters: MessageBoxW for Unicode and MessageBoxA for ANSI. Normally, the compiler takes care of this, but with GetProcAddress you have to be more specific.

Examining the import information

00402000  LoadLibraryA  KERNEL32
00402004 GetProcAddress KERNEL32
00402008 ExitProcess KERNEL32

MessageBoxA is missing, but LoadLibraryA and GetProcAddress are there. Because these two procedures reside in kernel32.dll, the library has to be linked before accessing them. How could it be linked at runtime, when the procedures to do that must be imported from it? It’s like trying to unlock a suitcase, but you left the key inside it (happened to me once in an airport).

Non-conventional ways of linking

Looking up the stack

When a program is executed, a process is created. When the process is created, the main thread has to be started. How does the system start the main tread? The main function is a function like any other, but where is it called from?
There is an undocumented procedure inside kernel32.dll, which initializes a thread and calls the entry point. Its name is BaseThreadInitThunk and it leaves on the stack a virtual address from within the library, by calling your main function. So, there has to be a call instruction somewhere in BaseThreadInitThunk. This instruction, besides changing the value of register eip, pushes the address of the next instruction onto the stack. This means that right at the beginning of main, if you look up onto the stack, you shall see the virtual address of an instruction belonging to BaseThreadInitThunk, and consequently, belonging to kernel32.dll. For a quick recap, head here.

Debugger illustration

Long story short, 0x74958720 is the virtual address of BaseThreadInitThunk. The call esi instruction at 0x74958742 jumps to the entry point, while pushing the address of the next instruction, 0x74958744, onto the stack. By knowing this address, it is possible to find the base address of kernel32.dll. After finding the base address, one can find the library’s export section and import any function from there.

Stack after call

How to get this value from the stack? When the function in generated, the compiler automatically adds the push esi instruction at the beginning of main, so when the next instruction is being executed, the stack pointer moves down 4 bytes. In this case, the thing is to derefence the value at esp + 0x4 and store it somewhere.

mov eax, [esp + 0x4];
mov addr_inside_kernel32, eax;

Getting to the base address requires a few more insights. The simplest one is that we must search towards lower addresses, since the first byte of kernel32.dll is before BaseThreadInitThunk. Next, the ImageBase field, found in the Optional Header, refers to the preferred address of an image when loaded into memory. It must be a multiple of 64K, which can be translated to 0x10000 in hex. It makes sense then to start from the first multiple of 0x10000 that is lower than the current address, so I trim the last 4 zeros of the starting address. Also, I keep subtracting 64K instead of 1, in order to check only relevant addresses. On the way to the base address, there might be some pages from which reading is not permitted. An exception handler could be used to prevent a possible crash, but in this example I was lucky enough not to need one.

unsigned int GetModuleBase(unsigned int addr)
unsigned int base = addr & 0xffff0000;
while (*(short *)base != MZ) {
base -= 0x10000;
return base;

Once the base address is found, the rest of the code becomes pretty straightforward. By following the PE format, the GetProcAddress procedure can be located inside kernel32.dll. Using it, one can easily import other procedures. In the full example, I wrote the code for locating LoadLibraryA, in order to load user32.dll and import MessageBoxA from it. And yet, the executable has no imports section. Here is the full POC.

Searching the PEB

Every thread comes with some particularities, such as its own stack base address or thread ID. Information about the currently running thread is stored in a structure called TEB, sometimes also referred to as TIB. The Thread Environment Block can be accessed through the fs segment register on 32 bit versions on Windows, or through the gs register on 64 bits. For the sake of simplicity, I will further consider only the 32 bit scenario. So, why do we care about the TEB in this context? Because it contains the address of PEB, a different structure which holds data about the process to which the current thread belongs to. The Process Environment Block holds information such as the path of the process’s image file, the command-line string passed to it, whether or not the process is being debugged, and most importantly for us, the list of loaded modules. Needless to say, historically this has been widely abused by malware. Before we move on, how exactly does one get the address of PEB?

mov eax, fs:[0x30];
mov peb, eax;

A pointer to it can be found at offset 0x30, starting from fs. Once you got its address, you can access the PEB_LDR_DATA, from which you can get to the head of a doubly linked list that holds information about the loaded modules. Every entry in this list contains the fields FullDllName and DllBase. The problem now reduces to searching in a linked list: given the module name (as a UNICODE_STRING), find it in the list, and if it exists, return its corresponding DLL base address.

unsigned int GetModuleBase(void *peb, wchar_t *name)
void *Ldr = *(void **)((unsigned char *)peb + 0xc);
void **InMemoryOrderModuleList = *(void ***)((unsigned char *)Ldr + 0x14);
void *Flink = *InMemoryOrderModuleList;
do {
wchar_t *FullDllName = (wchar_t *)*(void **)((unsigned char *)Flink + 0x28);
if (wstrcmp(FullDllName, name) == 0) {
/* Retrieve Base Address */
return (unsigned int)*(void **)((unsigned char *)Flink + 0x10);
Flink = *(void **)(unsigned char *)Flink;
} while (Flink != InMemoryOrderModuleList);
return 0;

The difficult thing to do, in my opinion, is to get to the head of the list, namely Flink. Due to differences in Windows versions, these structures can differ from the official documentation. Finding the right offsets can be tricky.

kernel32_base = GetModuleBase(peb, L"KERNEL32.DLL");

Once you get the base address of the module, you can parse it as you would do with a regular PE file. If you ever see this approach in “the wild”, you can expect the next thing to be a search for the address of GetProcAddress, in the library’s export section. Here is the full POC.

References and Further Reading